Review week is all fun and games!
We have an entire review week at my school before exam week. I always dread it because I feel that the students sometimes check out, no...

Google Slides Q&A in the Language Classroom
I have been playing around with google slides in the classroom lately. I am a big fan of goformative and it allows you to share...

What's Working in My Classroom? My top 5 for 2016!
Sometimes you just need to step back and think about what is working in your class, why you love it, and share!!! Teaching is a solitary...

A Great Game for Spanish or French Class!
Games are a great way to engage reluctant learners and to promote speaking in class. In this case, it may boarder on yelling! Students...

Back to School: Same Old, Same Old?
It's back to school for the Lang Ladies. There is only one chance to make a first impression, right? So why are we going to spend the...

Top 5 Take-Aways from ACTFL OPI Workshop
I had great expectations for our professional development workshop on the ACTFL OPI. It was our department’s way of kicking off the new...