Google Slides Q&A in the Language Classroom

I have been playing around with google slides in the classroom lately. I am a big fan of goformative and it allows you to share students' work on the board, promoting the idea of a community of learners. At first glance you may think that Google Slides Q&A is redundant if you are using goformative. However, I do think there is still a place for Q&A from Google Slides as well and it requires no preparation if you already have slides made in Google Slides.
1. You can let students back channel if you are presenting them with information in slide format. They can ask questions throughout the presentation. I like to open the questions up towards the end of class, then allow them to vote on which questions they want answered. You can answer the top 3 or so. Save the other questions for a bell work activity the next day. (Students can ask anonymously or type their name)
2. Prepare slides with images. Number the slides. Have students use the slide image as a writing prompt and type their response in the audience response feature of Q&A. Students can then vote on the best, story, description, explanation, etc. You can show the answers all at once or one at a time on the screen.

3. Another thing that I have done with Q&A is use the voting up and down to have students vet true and false statements that they write. For example, students do a reading, listening, viewing, and they write true or false statements based on that. I stick a post-it under their desk before class to tell them if they have to write true or false statements (that way there is an even number). Then they vote the false statements down by giving them a thumbs down. If they vote correctly the false statements should end up on the bottom of the list.
Have fun! Let us know if you are using it in another way!